English pages|Queen: Check the King

Last may we organized in Palermo - Sicily, Italy - a theatrical play to prevent, sensibilize and describe how to effort helping female and in general gender violence victims.
We did that using theatral communications that means we adapted a part of the play/book "Passi Affrettati" by Dacia Maraini; played some songs talking about victims by a songwriter; red a letter, written by a doctor victim of violence, by an actress; played a dialogue by two young students, simulating a dialogue by a couple in which he abused her physically and psychologically; showed a dance by five young girls which symbolizes abuse and violence and at last students's choir.
The event has let us also to effort charity to a pair of organization which work in Palermo with victims and social difficulty people. All founds we got as income offers has been integrally transferred to improve social local projects.
The "show" has been supported by Dacia Maraini herself and it got the European Parliament patronage, over other ten patronage of Institutions and other organizations, Mass media, social, newscasts have talked about it with success and interesting. The Association raised the found by Credem Euromobiliare Private Banking.
On web, at our YouTube's channal @associazionevita5992 there are free videos about this event called "Regina: Scacco al Re".
One of those links are under written:
https://youtu.be/_OB0iK5AzdY foto reportage, 2:37 min.
https://youtu.be/CvRn0k67dJc short video reportage (ITL), time 29:00 min.
https://youtu.be/lNNaibKeEiw middle reportage of the event (ITL), time 50:44 min
We are still working to show english subtitle on those videos.
Documentary agains gender violence and feminicide.
This film is a documentary and it is the recording of the theatrical event performed in Palermo on May 27, 2023.
True testimonies, proposed by the victims or actors or teenagers who speak, dance and sing to say themselves "stop to gender-based violence and stop to feminicide". A performance to restore hope to the victims.
An event that took place in Palermo, with the patronage of the European Parliament, which wants to witness, give help and promote prevention against this social and cultural scourge.
A documentary to shout the voice of the victmis; theirs help; theirs fears.
A way to say again stop violence!
A movie and narrative of real violence displayed by young students of the same age as those boys who have recently raped a girl their own age.
To know, to mind, to do some think against violence!
File video subtitled on YouTube in english.
Sergio Vespertino
Director - Theater Performance DirectorLuca De Giorgi Director - Movie Editing Director
Maraini Dacia Writer - Author of Passi Affrettati (first storytelling)
Luca De Giorgi Producer Associazione Vita Onlus/ONG
Sergio Vespertino Key Cast
Rosalba Muratori Co producer - Associazione MarcoSacchi Palermo
Director - Sergio Vespertino, Luca De Giorgi
- Project Title (Original Language):Regina: Scacco al Re
- Project Type:Documentary
- Runtime:1 hour 18 minutes 17 seconds
- Completion Date:May 27, 2023
- Production Budget:20,000 EUR
- Country of Origin:Italy
- Country of Filming:Italy
- Language:Italian
- Film Color:Color
- First-time Filmmaker:Yes
- Student Project:No
- Palermo
May 27, 2023
Theater performance
The theater event has gotten the patronage of the European Parliament